Lindsey Dawn Mc Kenzie What Do You Think Of These Names?

What do you think of these names? - lindsey dawn mc kenzie

These are groups of families that I know her name and the children. What do you think of the name of the individual and what do you group together?

The graphics are as --
Mom and Dad

Lea and Robert
Indianna (INDI)

Ainsleigh and Lindsey
Sheriece (pronounced: - Exchange BCC)
Louisiana (Nini)

Dawn & Russell

Most of the details you will receive 10 points


WriterK said...

Lea and Robert - very nice survey!
Denver - Ehh it's ok
Georgia - Nice:)
Indianna (INDI) - I am a 'no', but its ok
Love is like a group. :) Good idea for a theme ..

Ainsleigh and Lindsey
Sheriece (pronounced: - Exchange BCC) - OK
Louisiana (Nini) - Once again, I have a "N", not like the nickname
Carla - Like it
Cassidy - Love it
Well as a group, I think it's hard to say whether Sheriece

Dawn and Russell - the name of another couple is cute he is!
Taylah - Love it
Rachel - Love it
Kahli - love it! Creative spelling, but not too creative, if you know what I mean
Hayley - Love it
Lahr - Like it
This is a good group, but with different names / If I think it would be nice to Rachel one of the "bizarre" because it is a fairly common name, with a common spelling, and others are either a single name or spelling of course . But overall it's a good group.

bbam said...

Dawn and Russell - are modern
Taylah - I love the name of your adorable
Rachel - Sweet common name, everyone loves
Kahli - Unique, but very nice
Hayley - very sweet
Lahr - not that I like this

Deedee said...

ugh I'm confused, it's crazy? These names are nuts.

heidi said...


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